There is one question we keep hearing over and over again: How do you guys finance yourselves? Up to now we made a living on our savings but we always knew there would be a point where we have to take up work on the road. After endless weeks in the dust of the outback reaching Coral Bay felt like being in paradise. I knew this was the place I wanted to stay longer and look for a job.

All long-term travellers of you will certainly know this feeling: after being on travels for months, the pockets are nearly empty or worse: you are totally broke. If you don’t have any savings aside, sooner or later you will have to get back to work. Being broke, isn’t one of my favorite situations. I’m actually really close to freak out under these conditions. That is why I try to seek for jobs before spending my last penny.

The possibility to work for further travels, was actually one of the reasons why we chose Australia for a next destination on our worldtrip. Well, unfortunately not so for Nico. He was already too old to apply for the work and travel visa. For me it was the very last chance to get it. I applied right before my 31st birthday and got it granted!

We started our roadtrip trough Australia in Darwin, which is located in the Northern Territories. It took us three months to get to Coral Bay. We took it really slow though, as we tried to discover nearly all national parks in between. We did not want to miss out on the famous Gibb River road either of course. Lucky us, the 4WD we have bought was reliable so far and nothing worse happened beside two flat tires on the gravel roads of the outback. Although we try not to spend more money than necessary, it’s always gone sooner than you think. As much as I like Australia so far, as expensive it is! Especially for Europeans or people from other parts of the world.

At first, I thought it will be mission impossible to get a job in a tiny village like Coral Bay. It is more likely a bigger Caravan Park with two little supermarkets than a village. But it also possesses one of the most famous bakeries even beyond the shire of Exmouth. I walked in and walked out five minutes later with a job! Thanks to my boss for having so much confidence in me to offer me a job trial straight away.

I started at five o'clock in the morning the next day. After months on travels, I was really looking forward to work again, so I didn't mind to wake up at four o'clock at all. I didn't expect to have so many duties though: serve the customers behind the counter, operate the tills, prepare coffees, sandwiches, salads, fruit salads, toasties, foccacias and clean the whole bakery.

I really like working in a new field, having to learn a lot of different things. I had quite a few different hospitality jobs in my life so far, but this time was the first time I learned to brew a real coffee on a professional coffee machine. Furthermore you get a total new perspective on what it means to run a bakery and what is going on behind the scenes.

The Coral Resort Bakery isn't just famous because of their delicous coffees. It has a huge assortment of fresh pies, cakes, croissants, sweets, scrolls, loafs of bread, rolls, sandwiches and foccacias. The owner of this bakery and his team are working all day and night on seven days per week with just one day closed a year. No joke. This results in its popularity. People from all over Western Australia are coming to get at least a pie and a cake from this bakery. If you get there, try the blueberry custard turnover! That would be my recommendation. Nico would probably try to talk you into a chunky steak pie and a caramel slice.

Well, one thing is for sure: you won't be able to try everything! You will have to make a choice. Unless you do it like Nico: His aim was to go through all the bakery has to offer. We stayed six weeks and every day he had something new for breakfast or lunch. On our last day, he only had two more pies to go to complete his tasting. And guess what, he made it! He just couldn't resist the delicious pies and pastries.

I really enjoyed my time in Coral Bay and its bakery. Although it was really busy sometimes, I had a great team, met interesting people and loved this working experience . Above all I had the sweetest work motivation: to keep YKUT up and alive!