youkeepustraveling sponsored eco krabbelmatte

The first product we actually reached out and asked for a free sample in favor of an honest review is the Eco Krabbelmatte. A play and crawling mat with high eco baby standard that exceed our expectations and even after 3 years of use still delights our everyday life.

youkeepustraveling sponsored by Channel Island Surfboards by Al Merrick

Early 2016 our website was hacked and there was no way we could fix this on our own. Thankfully Website-Bereinigung offered us help and thanks to them we are back on track. Thank you so much for saving all the love and effort we put into this website!

youkeepustraveling sponsored by Channel Island Surfboards by Al Merrick

Green and portable power, something we have dreamed of for a long time. Thanks to Solarbag-Shop we could finally afford our dream and are now proud owners of a portable solar system. Thank you so much for your support and your efforts towards a greener future.

youkeepustraveling sponsored by Channel Island Surfboards by Al Merrick

You might have read that I lost my beloved Al Merrick surfboard. Now guess who came up and made a donation to replace the board: No other than Channel Island Surfboards themselves. Thank you so much guys. Now I know that not only your surfboards rock!

youkeepustraveling Donation Sponsor Gregor Optimal Banking Förderungsgesellschaft e.V. deutscheskonto.org

Gregor from Optimal Banking knows what it's like to be abroad and deal with money, cause that's his profession. In addition to his generous donation he gave us some great financial advice. International banking and exchange rates can really be a pain sometimes. Thanks for your help!

YouKeepUsTraveling Donation Sponsor Guido Schürmann Schuermann from Wiesbaden Germany

Beside Guidos generous donation he supported us with some true and touching words. The smirk on the picture he sent us is for those who still think the world is not turning fast enough. Slow down, take a break, look up and the sun will be shining far more often than you think.

youkeepustraveling Donation Sponsor Perth Concept Music store Graham Hoskins

Music connects people. We really enjoyed getting to know Graham and his wife Anke and were thrilled by their support. If you happen to be in Perth check out Concept Music, Grahams one-of-a-kind music store. Full story coming soon!

youkeepustraveling Donation Sponsor Perth Concept Music store Graham Hoskins

Anita was into tears when we discovered that we were given a guitar by a father and son we met before. They left it leaning on our car and took off without any notice. A video and article about this touching story will follow soon!

youkeepustraveling Donation Sponsor Family Michael Hopp Wiesbaden

I was raised with love and care. The older I get the more grateful I am for a youth full of joy and opportunities. My parents are a great source of inspiration and never gave up believing in me.

youkeepustraveling Donation Sponsor Family Bettina Hopp Wiesbaden

There's nothing like family! No matter what road you travel on, no one gets left behind. I am not only happy but proud to have such a great family. On each and every step I make, you are always on my mind! In love, your son

youkeepustraveling Donation Sponsor Patrick Riemer Leipzig

This was really something we were looking forward to: Being supported by someone we don't know personally. Dear Patrick, your encouragement and act of faith is a ray of light on the horizon and really means a lot to us!

youkeepustraveling Donation Sponsor Jutta and Joe Erlebach

Dear Joe, we are speechless by your enthusiasm to support us! You are our youngest sponsor, something you can be proud of. We guess your mom gave you a little hand, so we picked a picture to represents both of you. Big thanks to both of you.

Sponsor Hubertus Brockhaus youkeepustraveling Donation Sponsor Hubertus Brockhaus

It's good to hear that someone, who has seen the world with open eyes, likes what we are doing. Thank you so much for your support and the great picture. Hopefully we have a chance to see the Antarctic sea ice before it might be to late.

Sponsor #3: Hilmar Hoenes, Onwater Mainz youkeepustraveling Donation #3 Hilmar Hoenes Onwater Events Mainz

You can't choose your family but you can choose your friends. Big thanks to Hilmar Hoenes and ONWATER.

youkeepustraveling Donation #2  Annette und Georg-Christof Bertsch

It's easy to follow in someones footsteps, but hard to walk up front. At this stage this applies to us as much as to the ones supporting us. Thank you!

Donor #1: Oliver Krause youkeepustraveling Donation Sponsor Oliver Krause

Dear Oliver, you are our first donor! Something no one can take from you for the rest of your life. We will never forget that it was you, who took the first step. Thank's for keeping the faith with us.

Your Support



Right from the beginning we knew that this project was something we could not shoulder alone. It's not by accident we put the YOU in our organizations name in first place. This project is run by us, but not about us. It is something we enjoy doing and would love to see it grow but this will only be possible with your trust, encouragement and support.

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This page shows a list of all our major supporting companies and individuals. Thank you so much for keeping the faith with us, definitely something you will not regret! To get your name or your companies name on the list you have to make a donation or any other kind of support with an equivalent value of 100 Euro or greater.

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Traveling the world with social and environmental commitment

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