Angela Marie Maxwell She walks the earth SheWalksTheEarth YKUT YouKeepUsTraveling

There she was. On a hot dusty day on Highway 1, where the Great Sandy Desert hits the Indian Ocean, we've met Angela. All by herself, walking around the earth, listening to the surrounding and her inner-self. It’s a calling, which she is following and we think she is right about it. There are just a few people, who follow their hearts and are capable of leaving their former lifes behind. We think her inspiring vision and unique journey is worth sharing. We not only want to support her, but encourage all the people out there, who are to afraid of following their dreams.

Angela Marie Maxwell She walks the earth SheWalksTheEarth YKUT Youkeepustraveling

I will never forget that day, when we met her. I could not believe the first sight of her. To me it looked like some sort of a joke. If you ever happen to be on Highway 1 around the Great Sandy Desert, you will understand my thoughts. We were in the middle of nowhere, in a complete isolated and remote area. Beside of a few road train drivers and adventurers in their well-equipped 4WDs, you won't see a single person.

Angela Marie Maxwell She walks the earth SheWalksTheEarth YKUT Youkeepustraveling

We stopped to ask her, if she is in need of any supplies like water or food, but she was fine that day. Her cart, which she is pulling on her little walkabout, was still filled up, thanks to people, who are supporting her. Instantly I was impressed by her strong personality and the way she is glowing with warmth and gratitude. That day I knew, I have to see her again. As we didn’t want to halt Angela any longer from her walk, we exchanged our details in hope for a second chance.

Angela Marie Maxwell She walks the earth SheWalksTheEarth YKUT Youkeepustraveling

Few months later, after she just finished her walk through Western Australia, right before her departure to Asia, we’ve met Angela again. By now she was already 3184 km into her adventure. During our second meeting, my first impression of Angela just increased. That is why I have to share her story, as she does on her own journey: Sharing the experiences of people she gets to know around the earth. Although Angela is devoted to her walk, she tries to support especially woman by telling their life stories.

Angela Marie Maxwell She walks the earth SheWalksTheEarth YKUT Youkeepustraveling

During our stay with her, we’ve made a lot of footage. Instead of writing the whole story down I prefer to show the interview we did. This way you might get a hint of who she is. Sometimes words alone are not enough. Let this interview sink in and hopefully it will induce you to reflect your own life a bit. As we use to say: sharing is caring! If you find Angela as inspiring as we do, don't hesitate to share her story. Here's the link to our Youtube video.

Angela Marie Maxwell began her walk on May 2nd 2014 by a inner calling. She dedicated her life to this walk around the earth and is on her way now through Asia. She estimated six years to finish her walk in Oregon, U.S.A, where she started her journey. If you would love to follow her footsteps around the earth, here is her website She Walks the Earth.

Angela Marie Maxwell She walks the earth SheWalksTheEarth YKUT Youkeepustraveling

We wish Angela health, mental and physical strength and a lot of supporters for her further way. Hopefully we meet her again on our own trip around the world! Meanwhile we are editing the second part of our interview, which will be about happenings on her walk and personal changement. You can be curious what is coming up next!

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